Since 2006.07.12

おら家の裏庭の富山湾 (大気嵐)
富山県氷見海岸晩秋の日の出 November 4, 1997 6:31 a.m..

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おら家の裏庭の富山湾 (大気嵐)
富山県氷見海岸 晩秋の日の出 November 4, 1997 6:31 a.m.



そして 海面に漂う気嵐が朝日を浴びて、黄金の大気嵐となりました。


Sunrise November 4 of the Toyama Bay II( atmosphere storm)
Himi, Toyama shore late fall of the backyard of the person of me, 19,976:31 a.m.
I stand at Himi Beach from the dark of the day of the late fall.
In the sky which I dawn, and goes, beautiful weather,
Toyama Bay which cooled down be filled with a dark mind storm,
and the silhouette of the north Alps rises over a gulf over there.
I am depressed distantly in the Sea of Japan via
Mt. Kasagatake, Goro Kurobe, kitanomatadake, and Yakushidake, Tateyama, Tsurugidake, Kekachiyasannzann,
a following up the rear mountain mountain range.
Regretfully it cannot overlook the spear ear from this beach.
And a mind storm to drift on the sea surface was exposed to Asahi, and it was a golden atmosphere storm.
Please worship Dainichi Buddha.
